2010年12月8日 星期三

Google campus interview

1. Design a web application system. What you need to take care
Guess:   Scalability/ loading balancer, security, robust(network failure /disconnection), database atomicity, compatibility

2. Write a function do print all combination of a string like "ABC" -> {"ABC", "ACB", "BAC",...}
look PIE

3. Write a function computes the mirror of a 1-bit image array (each pixel is one bit). The mirror is an output image which is right-side-left to its central axis.
I die in this question.
At least you need to mention what will happen when byte is not align.
Guess: create helper function:
ReverseBits( int start_bit_offset, int end_bit_offset) and use it on every row.

Microsoft campus interview

1.a Given an int array with size 1001, and each element is an integer from 1 to 1000. There is only one duplicate number in the array. Design a function find such number as fast as possible.
Hint: Sum

1.b How about now the array can has any number of duplicates? How do you find all number has duplicates?
Guess: I use hash table. Not sure if there is better way

2. Suppose you are a tester, you want to design 10 test cases for a function:
    int my_atoi( char*) {}
Hint: your test cases need to include at least: positive/negative, decimal, comma( like '1,000'), illegal char or space, long string for memory leaking testing, a string represents a number larger than MAX_INT

Yahoo phone interview

1. Given an int array, verify if there exist a pair of numbers which has sum to 100. For example,
    {1, 5, 99} -> True
    {1, 5, 100} -> False
    Hint: Sort & use two cursor in opposite direction. One from begin, one from end

2.a Thee is a currency system has 1 cent, 5 cents, 10 and 25. Design a function compute minimum number of coins for an amount of money. For example, f(7) = 3 for {1,1,5}
    Hint: Greedy

2.b Give a currency system that cannot be solved by greedy algorithm
2.c How do you solve the problem in 2.b? DP      

QRM phone interview

1. Obj Oriented
- what is O-O
- what is polymorphism
- what is overwrite/ overload functions
2. Have you ever use any design patterns?
What is singleton
3. Database
- what is identification column
- what is inner / outer join
4. Java
- Abstract keyword
- Have you ever use Java Unit Test?
There is also a program assignment.. I can mail the .doc to you if you need

NVIDIA Interview Question (2)

1. How do you give comments about the following code:
   int f (int x)
        return x = << 3 / 2;   // it's amazing that  divide has higher priority than shifting!

2. If there is rubric cube has 100x100x100 small cubes, how many of them are never touch by player?

3. Will the following code has infinite loop?
    void f( )
          double x = 0;
          double y;
                y = x ++;
          }while( y -x ! = 0)  // think about 0 and 0.0, and also the floating precision issue

2010年12月7日 星期二

NVIDIA Interview Question (1)

1. what this function do:
    int f (int a){
        int b = 0;
        while( a>>=1)
             b ++;
        return b;
   and what input will cause an infinite loop?

2. You have a producer and a consumer. The producer produce 1 elements per cycle for 8 cycles then idle 2 cycles. The consumer consumes 1 elements per cycle for 80 cycles then idle 20 cycles.
What is the bandwidth?
How do you achieve the bandwidth with implementing a queue? and the queue size?

3. Implement a cache interface
    (God this kills me)